The Facing the Gap project aims to develop and advocate the use of arts in youth work. The project sees the importance of opening spaces through artistic creation where young people have the freedom to face the burning problems of our times and reach new understandings, to take responsibility for their thoughts and action. We believe there is an immense need for this space and working on problems socially in times when most of Europe is radicalizing, and populism and political apathy take their toll.
The partnership created from organizations from the UK, Malta, Hungary and China builds on similarities of methodology and theoretical background and the common wish to develop and spread this methodology.
The project will start with a meeting and continue with a seminar which will help define and articulate the common approach. We will continue with trainings for youth workers in all four countries, based on a jointly edited course material. The partners will work with young people on artistic initiatives based on the same text written specifically for the project in their own countries, and then bring together young people in a youth exchange to define the working methods further, create artistic products that can be used in advocacy and help the young people become capable of leading youth work for their peers. A final conference with a number of international presenters will showcase the achievements of the project and play a central role in the advocacy work. This advocacy will continue through videos spread online and also the direct approach of policy makers in the field by the partner organizations.